Job Listings and Openings

If you have questions about our job openings, feel free to email us at [email protected]

Internship Program

The internship program at BUL engages undergraduate/graduate students with ongoing projects and provides them with a focused and challenging research experience related to urbanization and current urban transformation processes in Lebanon.

Deadline for internship applications

• Summer Session (June - August): May 1st
• Fall Session (September - December): August 1st
• Spring Session (February - May): December 1st


If you would like to be part of our team, submit your application to [email protected] 

Affiliates Program

The affiliates program strengthens collaborations between professionals, experts, academics, Ph.D. candidates and BUL researchers and facilitates for their contribution to ongoing research projects.

Affiliation applications are accepted for consideration all year long for scholars who are doing research related to one of the BUL’s research program areas:

• Social Value of Land
• Urban Recovery
• Critical Mapping 
• Planning Actors and Scales
• Spatial Practices
• Urban Informality

If you would like to be part of our team and our developing projects, submit your application to [email protected]